


Deep Flow Media is a Taiwan based film and video production company whose main purpose is to create attention grabbing and engaging content. We look at your needs, target audience, then create and package a product that converts views into loyal fans. As consumer trends are constantly changing, we strive to keep you ahead of the trend instead of being left behind.

位於台北的製作團隊,Deep Flow Media 主要目地是創作既吸引人又觸及人心的影像。我們會洞察你的市場及需求,然後創作和包裝符合你需求的成品,來幫助你達到更高的點擊率,然後將其轉換成忠實粉絲。由於銷售趨勢時常改變,我們堅持讓你不落伍,反而走在流行趨勢前端。


Our Team


Haley Huang/eXECUTIVE Producer

As she had graduated from Shih Hsin University Department of Radio, Television and Film Studies, Haley finds production work just as intriguing and mesmerizing as the final submitted project itself. To her, production work is an integral part of her life, so she has dedicated herself to this career ever since she graduated.

Previously, she has produced National Geographic China’s VR China in the Taiwan shooting segment, Public Television Service’s reality television show Police On Duty, as well as numerous Ministry of Education and Taiwan Tourism Bureau commercials.

Haley believes that every production will be sensational and reflect in the final work because of Deep Flow Media team’s seamless collaborative efforts.





Kaley Emerson/Director and DoP

With an insatiable desire to learn new things and hear unique stories, Kaley left his home in rural America for Taiwan. He started his career as a photographer, and soon transitioned into video production as he found a love for documentary filmmaking. As a documentary filmmaker, he had worked with Discovery Channel, NatGeo, Black Buddha, and Ovation Network to name a few. 

In the commercial space, he has shot and directed campaigns for companies such as Red Bull, ASUS, Taiwan Tourism, Hawaii Tourism, and Marvel.

Additionally, over the last couple of years he has directed dozens of music videos for artists, with a majority generating millions of views. 

His goal is to find the most effective way to tell a story, and help brands and artists refine their vision and reach their target audiences.

有著無止境學習及找尋獨特故事的慾望,Kaley 數年前離開他華盛頓州的家鄉到了台灣。他在台灣展開了他的職場生涯,一開始以平面攝影起步,但不久後因為他發現他對紀錄片製作更喜愛,漸漸轉換成動態影片製作。以一位紀錄影片攝影師,他曾替Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Ovation Network以及Black Buddha拍攝影片。

在商業圈子裡,從拍攝到監導的工作Kaley都有接手,而合作過的案子為Red Bull, ASUS, 台灣觀光局, 夏威夷觀光局, 及漫威 (Marvel)。





Since 2005, Arrow has worked in the film production industry, starting with documentary work with Discovery and National Geographic Channel, then recently branched out to ideating, filming, directing, and/or editing short films, commercials, and music videos.

In terms of creative work, he often seeks to balance creative content with current market trends, and draws more inspiration from observing life and society. In 2019, he was awarded for his work for the National Geographic Channel Qilan 100 Forest Marathon, which won in the Best Non-drama category under filmography. Currently, Arrow freelances as a cinematographer and director, as well as work closely with Deep Flow Media.

Arrow ⾃2005 年從事動態影像製作至今 10 餘年,從早期的 Discovery、NGC 等紀 實⽚,到近年以短⽚、廣告、MV 為主的創作,亦曾參與劇情⻑⽚之攝影、剪輯等職。 在創作上,致⼒於創意內容與市場喜好的平衡,並從觀察生命與社會角落上汲取養分, 2019 年以國家地理頻道《棲蘭秘境馬拉松》獲得第 54 屆金鐘獎⾮戲劇類最佳攝影, 現以自由接案導演、攝影為職。



Yvonne first began her career as a TV reporter, which was what then involved her in production work within the film industry. Gradually she transitioned into full production work, which gave her many opportunities to successfully produce commercials, documentaries, TV shows, and music videos.

She was hand picked to attend the Rotterdam Film Festival Workshop in 2020.

One of the craziest things Yvonne has ever done was live at the foot of the Himalaya for one month without showering. Her dream is to one day visit the Skywalker Ranch.


Phil Chi / Creative Director & Project Manager

Phil has been deeply inbedded in the creative field for over a decade. Starting working behind the scenes in the music industry, he has stepped forward into visual story telling. Working with various artists and clients has made him a talented communicator, and skilled project manager. He enjoys everything from ideation to execution of your projects!

Phil 十多年來一直深耕創意領域,他在音樂業擔任幕後,後來又涉足故事企劃領域,與各種藝術家和客戶的合作更使他成為一名精通溝通與構思到執行一切的專案經理人。


Director Kaley Emerson, Director of Photography Arrow Peng, Producer Haley Huang, Gaffer Derick Sun, Art Director Chen BoYan

Director Kaley Emerson, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson, Producer Haley Huang

Director Arrow Peng, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson, Producer Yvonne Lee

Director Arrow Peng, Producer Yvonne Lee

Director Kaley Emerson, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson, 2nd Camera Kenji Haruta

Director Kaley Emerson, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson

Director Arrow Peng, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson, Producer Yvonne Lee

Director Kaley Emerson, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson

Director Kaley Emerson, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson

Director Arrow Peng, Producer Yvonne Lee, DoP Kaley Emerson, Lighting Kaley Emerson & Yvonne Lee, Assistant A-Zhe, Art Director Xiao Di


Director Kaley Emerson, Project Manager: Haley Huang, Assistant Director Haley Huang, DoP Arrow Peng, Kaley Emerson, Producer Yvonne Lee, Haley Huang, Rebecca Chen, Art 小弟, Project Manager Haley Huang, Gaffer Ou ZhiJun, Styling Jenn Lee, Editor Kaley Emerson, Patrick Brasca

Director Kaley Emerson, Producer Joanne Wang, Assistant Director Arrow Peng, Project Manager Rebecca Chen, DoP Kaley Emerson, 2nd Camera Arrow Peng, Gaffer Hippo Sung

Director Kaley Emerson, DoP Kaley Emerson, Producer Haley Huang, Assistant Director Deven Bussey, Project Manager Haley Huang, Hair and Make-up Avery Timber

Director Kaley Emerson, DoP Kaley Emerson, Producer Haley Huang, Joanne Wang, Assistant Director Arrow Peng, Deven Bussey, Art 小弟, Project Manager Haley Huang

Director Kaley Emerson, DoP Arrow Peng, Producer Becky Chen, Haley Huang, Assistant Billy Xu, David Lin, Still Photographer Shen Tong, Hair and Make-up Avery Timber

Director Kaley Emerson, DoP Kaley Emerson/Salvator Max Brown, Producer Yvonne Lee

Director Kaley Emerson, Assistant Director Arrow Peng, Producer Yvonne Lee, Art 小弟

Director Kaley Emerson, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson, Project Manager Gwen Yang

Director Kaley Emerson/Ethan Huang, Producer Haley Huang, Project Manager Martin

Director Kaley Emerson, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson/Anton Savlic

Director 余志中, Producer Yvonne Lee, Director of Photography Arrow Peng

Director Kaley Emerson, Project Manager Haley Huang, Producer Yvonne Lee/Haley Huang, DoP Arrow Peng/Kaley Emerson, Art Xiao Di, Lighting OuZhiJun

 Brand web content

Director Kaley Emerson, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson

Director Kaley Emerson, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson

Director Kaley Emerson, Director of Photography

Director Arrow Peng, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson, Producer Yvonne Lee, Project Manager Tino

Director Arrow Peng, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson, Producer Yvonne Lee, Project Manager Tino

Director Kaley Emerson, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson


Director Kaley Emerson, Photography Kaley Emerson and Haley Huang, Producer Haley Huang, Project Manager Haley Huang

Director Kaley Emerson, Producer Haley Huang, Director of Photography Kaley EMerson, Project Manager Haley Huang/Rebecca Chen


Director Arrow Peng, Producer Yvonne Lee, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson

Director Kaley Emerson, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson

Director Kaley Emerson, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson

Director Kaley Emerson, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson


Director Kaley Emerson, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson

Director Kaley Emerson, Director of Photography Kaley Emerson


Shot by Salvatore Max Brown and Kaley Emerson


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